
Forschung zu Agroforstsystemen wird und wurde an der Universität Hohenheim von einer Vielzahl Institute über alle Fakultäten hinweg betrieben. Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist eine ansehnliche Menge an Publikationen, von denen wir hier eine Auswahl zusammengestellt haben.

Diese Publikationen sind nicht auf die Arbeit der Koordinationsstelle für Agroforst-Systemforschung zurückzuführen, sondern sind das individuelle Ergebnis ihrer Autor:innen. Sollte hier eine Publikation fehlen oder fehl am Platz auf unserer Liste sein, melden Sie sich gern per e-Mail.

  • Geier, C. R., Angenendt, E., Bahrs, E., Weik, J., & Sponagel, C. (2024). Model-based Analysis of the Impact of an Eco-Scheme Premium on the Climate Protection Potential of Short Rotation Coppice in Baden-Württemberg. Farming System, 100136.
  • Geier, C. R., Bahrs, E., & Sponagel, C. (2023). Derivation and Evaluation of a Business Model to Promote Carbon Farming That Generates Valid Carbon Removal. Sustainability, 15(22), 15809.
  • Golicz, K., Piepho, H. P., Minarsch, E. M. L., Niether, W., Große-Stoltenberg, A., Oldeland, J., ... & Jacobs, S. (2023). Highlighting the potential of multilevel statistical models for analysis of individual agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems, 97(8), 1481-1489.
  • Willmott, A., Willmott, M., Grass, I., Lusiana, B., & Cotter, M. (2023). Harnessing the socio-ecological benefits of agroforestry diversification in social forestry with functional and phylogenetic tools. Environmental Development, 47, 100881.
  • Laub, M., Pataczek, L., Feuerbacher, A., Zikeli, S., & Högy, P. (2022). Contrasting yield responses at varying levels of shade suggest different suitability of crops for dual land-use systems: a meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42(3), 51.
  • Wurz, A., Tscharntke, T., Martin, D. A., Osen, K., Rakotomalala, A. A., Raveloaritiana, E., ... & Grass, I. (2022). Win-win opportunities combining high yields with high multi-taxa biodiversity in tropical agroforestry. Nature Communications, 13(1), 4127.
  • Martin, D. A., Wurz, A., Osen, K., Grass, I., Hölscher, D., Rabemanantsoa, T., ... & Kreft, H. (2021). Shade-tree rehabilitation in vanilla agroforests is yield neutral and may translate into landscape-scale canopy cover gains. Ecosystems, 24(5), 1253-1267.
  • Wengert, M., Piepho, H. P., Astor, T., Graß, R., Wijesingha, J., & Wachendorf, M. (2021). Assessing spatial variability of barley whole crop biomass yield and leaf area index in silvoarable agroforestry systems using UAV-borne remote sensing. Remote Sensing, 13(14), 2751.
  • Beuschel, R., Piepho, H. P., Joergensen, R. G., & Wachendorf, C. (2020). Effects of converting a temperate short-rotation coppice to a silvo-arable alley cropping agroforestry system on soil quality indicators. Agroforestry Systems, 94(2), 389-400.
  • Cossel, M. V., Ludwig, H., Cichocki, J., Fesani, S., Guenther, R., Thormaehlen, M., ... & Winkler, B. (2020). Adapting syntropic permaculture for renaturation of a former quarry area in the temperate zone. Agriculture, 10(12), 603.
  • Martin, D. A., Osen, K., Grass, I., Hölscher, D., Tscharntke, T., Wurz, A., & Kreft, H. (2020). Land‐use history determines ecosystem services and conservation value in tropical agroforestry. Conservation Letters, 13(5), e12740.
  • Lang, C. P., Merkt, N., Geilfus, C. M., Graeff–Hönninger, S., Simon, J., Rennenberg, H., & Zörb, C. (2019). Interaction between grapevines and trees: effects on water relations, nitrogen nutrition, and wine. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 65(2), 224-239.
  • Kanzler, M., Böhm, C., Mirck, J., Schmitt, D., & Veste, M. (2019). Microclimate effects on evaporation and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield within a temperate agroforestry system. Agroforestry systems, 93, 1821-1841.
  • Nerlich, K., Graeff-Hönninger, S., & Claupein, W. (2013). Agroforestry in Europe: a review of the disappearance of traditional systems and development of modern agroforestry practices, with emphasis on experiences in Germany.
  • Lose, S. J., Hilger, T. H., Leihner, D. E., & Kroschel, J. (2003). Cassava, maize and tree root development as affected by various agroforestry and cropping systems in Bénin, West Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 100(2-3), 137-151.
  • Dabbert, S. (1995). Agroforestry and land-use change in industrialized nations: a case study from northeastern Germany. Agroforestry systems, 31, 157-168.